पर्यावरण को प्रदूषण मुक्त करे – ‘’Go Green’’

आज हमारा पर्यावरण बहुत मुश्किलो से झूंझ रहा है जैसे ग्लोबल वार्मिंग, प्रदूषण आदि । जिसमें प्लास्टिक का बहुत बड़ा योगदान है । प्लास्टिक की निर्भरता की वजह से आज न केवल मनुष्य, बल्कि जानवर एवं बाकि जीव जंतुओ को नुकसान पहुँच रहा है । रोज़ अखबारों में यह खबर दूषित पानी, जान लेवा बीमारियाँ एक खतरे को दर्शाती है चूँकि प्लास्टिक के उपादक से रसायन पानी में जाते है जो कि पानी में रहने वाले जीव जैसे मछली की जान को खतरा हो जाता है  और यह दूषित पानी के ग्रहण से हमारी स्वास्थ्य को अत्यधिक नुक्सान होता है । आपको यह जानकर हैरानी होगी कि हर वर्ष 80 लाख टन से भी अधिक प्लास्टिक महासागरों को प्रदूषित करता है। अगर कुछ न किया गया तो वर्ष 2050 तक संभावना हैं कि सागरों में प्लास्टिक की मात्रा मछलियों से अधिक हो जाएगी।

इसमें भारत का भी काफी योगदान प्लास्टिक प्रदूषण में है हालाँकि सदियों से भारत की संस्कृति ने स्वत्छता और प्रकृति की सुन्दरता बरक़रार रहे पर काफी ध्यान दिया है परन्तु उपभोक्तावाद की वजह से यहां 15 हजार टन प्लास्टिक हर दिन इस्तेमाल में लाया जाता है. वैज्ञानिकों के अनुसार  प्लास्टिक न तो नष्ट होता है और न  गलता है. यह नॉन-बायोडिग्रेडेबल है जिसके पश्चात् यह पृथ्वी में घुल नहीं सकता है यह सदियों तक वैसे का वैसा रहता है जिसकी वजह से सभी जीव जंतुओ को नुकसान पहुँच रहा है ।

इसीलिए आज के समय में पर्यावरणीय जागरूकता बहुत महत्वपूरण हैं जैसे गो ग्रीन अभियान है  जिसका सिर्फ एक ही उधेश्य है प्रकृति को रसायनों से बचाना।

पर अगला सवाल यह है कि- कैसे हम ,, ” GO GREEN’’ अपनी दिनचर्या में ला सकते है क्योंकि हमारी प्रकृति प्लास्टिक प्रदूषण के कारण से झूंझ रही है आश्चर्यजनक बात तो यह है मनुष्य के लालच की वजह से प्रकृति मुसीबत में है वर्ल्ड इकोनोमिक फोरम के अनुसार भारत में सालाना 56 लाख टन प्लास्टिक कूड़ा पैदा होता है ।  दुनियाभर में जितना कूड़ा सालाना समुद्र में डम्प किया जाता है उसका 60 प्रतिशत भारत डम्प करता है ।इसका समाधान हैं- कुछ आसन तरीके गो ग्रीन के

जैविक उत्पाद

प्राकृतिक उर्वरकों के साथ यह उगाए जाते हैं, वे पोषक तत्वों को संरक्षित करते हैं। ये प्रकृति के अनुकूल जैविक उत्पाद थोड़े महंगे हो सकते है लेकिन लंबे समय में यह आपके स्वास्थ्य के लिए बहुत ही उपयोगी है  क्योंकि निजी स्वास्थ्य के लिए कार्बनिक पदार्थ आपकी न केवल त्वचा को विकिरण करेगा, बल्कि खतरनाक रसायन हमारे शरीर में जाने से रोकेगा ।

तीन R’s तकनीके

तीन R’s तकनीके हमारे पर्यावरण के लिए बहुत ही लाभदायक है। कलम में स्याही भरना, स्वयं बोतल लेके जाना, पैम्फलेट्स को स्वीकार नहीं करना, अपने कप कॉफी लेके जाना, पुरानी किताबों और नोटबुक आदि का उपयोग करना। ये सभी छोटी छोटी चीजें प्रकृति के लिए थोड़ा सा योगदान देने में मदद करती है ।

एक सामुदायिक उद्यान

आसपास के क्षेत्र में एक बाग़ीचे का निर्माण कर सकते हैं, जिसमें पेड़, फल और सब्जियाँ उगा सकते हैं आदि ताकि इससे हमारी युवा पीढ़ी पर्यावरण के प्रति जागरूक होगी।

एसेंशियल आयल  का उपयोग करें

हमारे जीवन में शैंपू, एयर फ्रेशर्स, डियोड्रेंट आदि जैसे रासायनिक उत्पादों का उपयोग हमारे स्वास्थ्य को नुकसान पहुंचा रहे हैं। इस पर रोक लगाने के लिए,  एसेंशियल ऑयल जैसे नींबू, लैवेंडर, पेपरमिंट आदि स्वास्थ्यवर्धक के लिए बहुत उचित होंगे।अंततः समग्र जीवन का नेतृत्व करने के हमारे लक्ष्य को पूरा करता है यह हमें त्वचा की एलर्जी या अवांछित त्वचा से संबंधित समस्याओं जैसे मुँहासे, चहरे पर दाने जैसे खतरनाक भारी रसायनों से दूर रहने में मदद करता हैं।

कचरा कम करे

हालाँकि सोचने में जीरो कचरा जीवनचर्या मुश्किल लगती है पर हमारे कुछ उपयास से हम प्रकृति को ओजोन परत के प्रभाव से बचा सकते है यह मुमकिन है जब हम डिग्रेडेबल उत्पादों को उपयोग करे जिसके साथ हम अपना बगीचा बना सकते है जिसमे हम जितना भी बायो-डिग्रेडेबल कचरा दाल दे. पुरानी चीज़ों को दान करना या रीसायकल कर देना  इसके अलावा बड़ी मात्रा में खरीदे जिससे परिवहन खर्चा निकल जाये ।

अततः पर्यावरण जागरूकता बहुत ज़रूरी है । इस समस्या से निकलने के लिए न केवल सरकार की, बल्कि हर एक नागरिक की ज़िम्मेदारी है प्रकृति को साफ़ और प्रदूषण मुक्त रखे और उपभोक्तावाद से बचे ।पानी बहुत ही प्रकृति की बहुमूल्य देन है इसे बर्बाद न करे जैसे वर्षा जल संचयन, प्लास्टिक का कम उपयोग, आदि इस प्राकृतिक संसादन का ख्याल रखेंगे अतः यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि प्लास्टिक एक धीमे जहर की तरह काम कर रहा है. परन्तु  इस समस्या का भी समाधान है जैसे की पर्यावरण अनुकूल जूट बैग उत्पादों द्वारा हम पर्यावरण को दूषित होने से बचा सकते है । सिंगल यूज प्लास्टिक प्लास्टिक कटलरी, प्लेट इत्यादि प्रतिबन्ध विभिन जगह महाराष्ट्र, भोपाल देहरादून यह दर्शाता हैं कि लोग अब सतत मॉडल चाहते है और पर्यावरण को सुरक्षित रखना चाहते है ।


“My taboos, your taboos. Why we don’t talk about them, but probably should.”


Speak no evil, See no evil, Hear no evil” – Mahatma Gandhi’s three monkeys propagate here the idea of stigma

According to the data published by the WHO , nearly 8, 00,000 people die due to suicide every year, which is one person every 40 seconds. No wonder, no one is spared from this deplorable reality, developed and developing countries alike.

For example- recent deaths of famous celebrities such as Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, Avicci took the Internet by storm. Thus, this lingering question always remains: what compel them to take their own lives? Is there any negative stigma pervades in our society that they don’t speak out their feelings in public?

The reason behind this: People such as the powerful politician from India Mr. Subramanian Swamy pass on an insensitive remark without giving a second thought against another politician Priyanka Gandhi- She is mentally unfit and not suitable for contesting elections as she suffers from bipolar disorder and beats up people. This demonstrates here the darker side of a society’s smirk and lack of awareness.

On the flip side of the coin, over the years though, issues such as menstrual hygiene, sexual harassment, substance abuse, abortion have gained momentum for ex- Recent,,Me too movement’’ worldwide is a breath of fresh air.  However, considering these suicidal deaths, we still have a long way to go. One of the most common reasons for this higher suicide rate is severe depression which people try to shun away from this. And the reason is: People don’t consider depression as an illness. Generally, people associate this merely with sadness.

According to WHO 2018, India is the most depressed country in the world. Paradoxically, introducing yoga and spiritual wisdom to the world, we consider mental illness as a taboo. Due to half-baked knowledge, we call them abnormal and indifferent.  People would also label them a psychopath, depressive, mad, crazy and what not. Because of the negative stereotypes, people seek also help from local priests and healers.  Once they are diagnosed with this illness, they are also deprived of all the career and societal advancements. As a consequence, the risk of social exclusion and family’s social prospects pressurize them to bury their head in the sand. Due to the negative stigma attached to depression, affected persons are thus not able to muster the courage to talk about their feelings. Let us look at these examples:

A student from Afghanistan, a war-stricken country shared his own anecdote with depression. For the past 21 years, his mother is consuming anti-depressants to cope up with the stress induced by war.

A man in his late thirties was brought up in a violent environment. School authorities failed to understand his low grades. Eventually, he delved into clinical depression.

Thus, one need to comprehend the fact there are a lot of varied factors such as elevated cortisol hormones level, grappling with academic stress, the fake reality of social media platforms, untimely death. Reasons such as substance abuse, family violence, learning disabilities especially amongst teenagers make them also afraid to approach psychiatrist.

Without knowing the fact, depression is a mental illness, not a choice that needs to be equally treated just like any other communicable disease. This lack of public discourse regarding this taboo prevents them to seek the right counselling.  German author Franz Kafka said this in his work ‘’Metamorphosis’’: “I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.”

Considering this gravity of this illness, WHO acknowledges in fact the significance of mental well being by laying emphasis on premature mortality from non-communicable diseases aiming for a reduction by ‘’one third through prevention and treatment and promotion of mental health and well-being.’’ Mental health is now one of the significant SDG goals.

Thus, let us not sweep this theme off under the carpet by adopting these strategies.


Spiritual wisdom plays an integral role in overcoming this stigma as it majorly focuses on our mental well-being. It helps in finding out the bigger purpose of our lives. Besides that, spirituality can awaken a sense of gratitude and forgiveness. Adopting the practice of spirituality helps also in coping up with traumatic stress. Recent studies have proven the fact that ‘’Sudharshan  Kriya’’,  proposed by spiritual leader Sri Sri Ravi Shankar paves a way to combat this mental illness. Under this, a breathing technique helps an affected person to feel lighter and have a sense of gratitude. Your body aligns with your mental capacity which helps you in coming out from the darkness inside you. Thus, a person steps out and feels the part of some community groups where their voices are being heard.


Another way to tackle this stigma is an art. Pursuing a hobby or any sort of art would act as a source for relief in the time of emotional crisis. An artistic work gives somehow the power to face another day with courage and confidence. One experiences the sense of worthiness that in a way makes them feel alive for example Children can do a lot of artistic work by making cups from plastics, bangles from papers etc. These people are able to express their emotions through the medium of writings or art.

Community groups

NGOs such as Live laugh foundationmental health foundation also help in breaking the taboo so that people get extended help from their loved ones. They make people informed by conducting awareness programmes regarding this sensitive issue.

Reading books

An important point to be noted here: Parents, teachers, friends or whosoever can keep themselves abreast by reading books. Moreover, through the medium of Internet, we can keep ourselves informed about the mental disorder. Websites such as national mental foundation, blogs provide us ample amount of information to tackle this stigma.

To cut it short: Depression is like a snowball that turns out to be an avalanche if left untreated. Suffering in silence, self-doubt, self-guilt, shame, anxiety, hopelessness, to name a few often prompts many of us to stay silent. Thus, it is indispensable now to break the negative stereotypes which are holding us back till now. That is possible only by letting our voices heard.

Lastly, the recent talk of Prince William in Davos regarding the stigma against mental illness demonstrates that it is high time we break the stigma and lead the life with dignity and respect. Let’s talk and break the myths!

When our leg is broken, it hurts

When our relationship is broken, it hurts even more


When we break the stigma, we create the better place to live in !

Kindness all around

To my recent visit to a University as an external examiner, I am profoundly touched by the kind gesture and warmth of the students.  For that, I am very much grateful to my beloved friend who gives me an opportunity to conduct an exam over there. Let me start away straight away with a few sets of experiences.

That is what I would like to pen down here succinctly.  Over the period of time, I got to know that I just simply love interacting with people coming from different backgrounds and having a different set of stories. Fortunately, being into this profession of Teaching, I am acquainted with so many people – be it my students, faculty members, sweepers to name a few. And the best part is all of us are trying to make a difference in lives of others by doing our job with utmost sincerity.

To make it crisp and clear, I would first start with my Afghan student. As an inquisitive and conscientious person, I try to see things beneath the table as I am always of this opinion that if you want to know the real situation of any particular country, talk to locals. They will depict a true picture.  As expected, he told me the deplorable situation prevails in his homeland. There is no denying that this war-stricken country Afghanistan is predominantly governed by either Taliban or ISIS funded by Americans or Chinese for that matter. As a consequence, millions of people have lost their lives so far and those who survived are going through mental trauma or some sort of chronic disease. On top of that, lack of elementary education and human rights have added misery to their day to day lives. In fact, owing to the war, his mother has been battling depression for the past 21 years. And, I was initially startled to know this heart-wrenching story and what he has endured at such a tender age, but that sincerity and warmth in her eyes are ready to take certain things in his own hands as one of the school is funded by him to promote education in his village. Also, he is hoping with an expertise in the field of Engineering and vision for a better future in his homeland, he will create at least a better future to live in for his own people like building institutions to provide quality education and with that sense of awareness about their basic rights among his community.

And then I also met a young student in his early twenties whose hand was shivering. Out of concern, I just asked him about his well-being- like are you okay? And then he responded to me- I am suffering from diabetes and liver damage. Then, he narrated me his everyday ordeal like coming to the class, food issues etc as he can’t consume neither oily nor spicy food. His diet consists of porridge or light food.   Having said that, his willpower, determination and strong vision are something to be highly appreciated for which make him stronger than anyone else in that room. He also wondered at times when students couldn’t make it to the class just because they are lazy enough to come. Never mind, that doesn’t deter away his indeterminable spirit.

And the list goes on and on. In spite of hailing from humble backgrounds, some of these students have also had a sense of clarity in their mind and they are ready to burn the midnight oil to turn their dreams into reality.

Hearing all their cue, I discovered that each one of us is battling with something or the other which somehow gets fades away under the realm of social media where we portray ourselves in the best possible light, isn’t it?.

However, I believe that even at times, we can’t do anything in such a helpless situation; all we can do is just listen. Baring out their soul, sharing something deep reside in our heart can be so comforting and stress-relieving at times, if all of us can lend an ear to the people around us and don’t make a mockery of it. You never know, one can come up with a solution via dialogue.

Also, there is something to be grateful for if we start appreciating little things in our day to day lives and express them through our efforts.

Most importantly, let’s just be kind as everyone is carrying their baggage with a smile on their face and, carrying so much of love, passion, and compassion deep inside. I guess, that’s what binds us all together, though the gravity of pain may differ.

Thus, if we look at the brighter side, it made us fortunate enough to have everything whatever we wish for- be it family, friends, and handful of people who always keep us in my prayers and I am sure most of us have something or the other to fill our heart with gratitude, positivity, and love.

Some musings

don’t be an eye candy

satiating the lust of others


be like a moonlight

unveiling the darkness

in the most serene way


The best thing that you can do to yourself

is to focus on yourself



The deeper you believe in you

the closer you are to your dreams




teri behisaab inayeten bhi dekhi

teri mehrbaniyan bh payi

khushnaseeb ho gaye hum

yaara tere gulshan mein aake

aisi dildari na dekhi thi maine

isse pehle

jo rab ko paa gaye

ruksat na ho jaane

bin kuch sune

bin kuch kahe

yeh khwab hume jo satata hai

mera haath thame rakhna tum

tuje jee lagane ko chahta hai


these magical eyes

Something- I am afraid of losing my people. I don’t want to be cynical about relationships, people around me. but in this world full of turmoil and varieties, my eyes seek consistency, home, and integrity. If you can offer me, then please stay. Otherwise goodbye to you, my love.

I have no bloody time for any tantrums, mind games and plotting. Just being nice and kind to me, if you want to be with me.

Luckily, I found these people in my friendship that adds purpose to my existence and life. What amazes me always are little things or gestures to me.

You know what, what is fucking sexy? Efforts because taking out time for someone is way too distinctive than anything else.  A real person won’t be interested in your expensive gifts rather would be longing for your attention and time.

Stay real and happy. be like a magic igniting a fire in someone’s soul and baring all their hidden desires altogether.

Keep glowing and shining.



What makes us alive?

It has been such a long time, I haven’t posted here. So, I would like to address certain questions which I guess have been trying hard to answer them. or to put it simply, I assume these answers found me.

firstly, What makes us alive?

This journey so far is never so easy for me. Life offers me both sweet and bitter memories to share.  Reminiscing those childhood days, I realized that we as young adult are grappling with a lot of issues such as identity crisis, lack of confidence, mental stress, false friendships to name a few. This canvas of life appears to be deadpan.

So, one doesn’t feel contented with the way his life is heading to, even though you have everything around you. Amidst all these circumstances, I have learnt no matter, how worse the situation is, I made sure to true to myself. I cannot demean or bog down someone for my own selfish purposes. As at the end of the day, it’s not going to define me.

But contemplating those times, the most powerful tool to battle against them is hope and positivity. Sooner or later, everything is going to be fine. My inner voice used to tell me every single day.

Not now, but Life would surely be kind to me.

As I have never any bloody intentions to hurt somebody’s feelings. I keep feelings to myself but some people are good at trampling gentle heart.

Over the time, I have nothing against them as my inner peace is of paramount importance to me. I don’t believe in holding back those people who never appreciated me for being who I am.

I have just one thing to mention here. Thank you for making me more stronger and bringing clarity to my mind for my very existence.

You can fight all odds in life if you stay positive and see the life with blessings and gratitude because this attitude prepares us for today, tomorrow and then eventually our future which seems to be really promising to all of us.

Hope doesn’t cost anything. It’s the state of being happy and contented even when you don’t have nothing.

I keep on telling myself, now- You are special. You are the divine, pure and gentle soul that needs to be filled with love, care, and compassion. All those ill-feelings like hatred, jealousy, maliciousness must not have any space in your mind. Not to forget, our sub-conscious mind is influenced by our conscious thoughts. These vibes also reciprocate in the same way. Today, I can proudly say that I am blessed with amazing people in my life who support me in every possible way. I call them-,, My treasures’’ making me feel utterly special and bringing out the best in me.

So start appreciating and accepting for whom you are. Every day, I see distressed souls smiling at each other. That’s the beauty need to be appreciated. Their smiles cheer up my mood like anything and whispering me into my ears, darling- The best is yet to come. Never lose hope.






aarzoo dabi si reh gayi

ek nazar ghuma kar toh dekhiye

janab yu katra katra na ho jaye aap

humko azmake toh dekhiye

jazbaat par humara jor nahi

ishq ke dariya mein doob jo gaye hai

ab usme tairna toh seekha dijiye

band aankhein apki jhalak sekti hai

dil hain ki manta hai nahi

is dimag ke janaze mein itna jor nahi

ki hume apni mohabbat se ruksat kar de

kya hua

apne koshish ni ki

par hum toh janisar ho gye

dil ke gharounde mein apko jo basa liya

ab koi aur raah jaati nahi

ab aap hi bataye

is na cheez ko kaise lubhaye

is na cheez ko kaise keh de

ki tumko mere har aks se mita de

meri jubaan se tumhara naam mita de


kaisi si bandigi hai

jo inayaat bhi hai

aur badua bhi

my tiny little brain

At times, you don’ t have any control over your thoughts. They just keep on banging and banging. so what to do ?

My mind is cluttered with too many things.

need some peace

could you just stop thinking for a while?

I need some relief

but my stubborn mind says

I am just like you

I beg you

please clear off these relentless thoughts

can’t concentrate

Banging you on my head all the time


are you listening to me?

I need some sigh of relief

Life seems to be going upside down

so messed up I am

no way out

trapping into vicious circle of hard life

trying to be positive

but result doesn’t seem like so

where to go

losing my shit

Can anyone rescue me?

take me away from these thoughts

I want to breathe, laugh and feel alive

robing away my peace of mind

Bewildered, lost I am

can anyone rescue me?

need your help

Baby stop overthinking

and let me enjoy my life

its already screwed up

don’t be so harsh on me, my mind

let’s just go with the flow

and be filled with gratitude and love